If you've known Shane and me for any amount of time, you know that we both nurse a pretty gnarly sweet tooth . We will make any excuse for desert or a treat any day of the week- especially when we are out of our normal routine on vacation or with visitors- or, in this case- moving from Alabama to Rhode Island and wanting to do as the locals do! Before we moved to Tiverton , I scoured Yelp for local hot spots and local's favorite restaurants (bonus for those with an expansive gluten free selection!). One common thread on reviews around Tiverton was ice cream. Being that I recently traded my dairy-free lifestyle for a gluten-free one (among 19 other things that my body despises. Long story for another post if you're really interested), I was excited to be in a position to try out all this famous ice cream touted by Tivertonians (I may have just made that up). One thing was evident: people in Tiverton had very strong alliances to either Gray's or Helger's ice c